The OES procedure
In addition to the familiar challenges of daily work, everyday life in the laboratory is accompanied by the constant recording and archiving of all data. And in a laboratory with mostly unprofessional data management, an employee quickly needs a specific value from a precise analysis, and this as soon as possible, and the chaos can no longer be kept away.
In well-managed laboratories, measurement data and results should not directly be stored. The labor-intensive and above all time-consuming collection and further processing of the vast amounts of data from diverse work processes can also be managed more efficiently: With the [FP]-LIMS. A convenient tool for your data, with a wide range of options for data acquisition, processing, and output.
Optical emission spectrometry / OES Procedure
In optical emission spectrometry, a chemical analysis takes place to represent the emission spectrum of chemical substances. For the analysis process, the extremely high-energy spark discharge is used to ignite a plasma in an argon atmosphere between a piece of the analyte and a copper or silver electrode. The resulting emission of light is measured, and thus all chemical elements can be quantitatively investigated in just a few seconds. The radiation is transmitted via light guides to optical systems, where it is then broken down into its individual spectral components. Each chemical element contained in the sample to be analyzed emits at several wavelengths and can, therefore, be individually detected and measured using photomultipliers. This method enables the precise detection of all metals, semi-metals as well as many non-metals such as carbon, sulfur, oxygen, phosphorus, or nitrogen. The discovery of these non-metals is, at the same time, a great advantage of optical emission spectrometry compared to other analytical methods that can only detect a particular group of elements.
Applications of optical emission spectrometry OES
The functionality of optical emission spectrometry makes a fast analysis of metal alloys possible. It is, therefore, a simple, quick, and reliable analysis method for mass tests in quality assurance in the metal producing industry or for sorting scrap. The spectrum of applications ranges from safe control in production processes to research projects and product developments, also, in incoming goods inspection (even part of quality assurance) or the recycling of secondary raw materials such as iron, cobalt, nickel, magnesium, copper, titanium, tin, lead, zinc and many other materials. Optical emission spectroscopy is therefore used in large parts of industry and research, primarily in areas where the detection of elements and their quantitative determination is required.
Cooperating providers
Our [FP]-LIMS is compatible with a large number of well-known manufacturers in the industry. Due to years of experience and the high demands on ourselves, we have extended the compatibility of the software in the past years more and more. Among others, the devices of the following manufacturers are compatible with our [FP]-LIMS: Hitachi, Bruker, Spectro Ametek, ThermoFisher Scientific, Agilent Technologies, Analytik Jena, Horiba Scientific, Malvern Panalytical, PerkinElmer, ZwickRoell.
The [FP]-LIMS software solution from Fink & Partner in your laboratory
Get to know the [FP]-LIMS today and ensure perfect clarity, central backup, and archiving of your measurement data, and fast and accurate visualization. This makes it possible to create a certificate at any time. Especially with such rapid and detailed analysis methods, many different measurement results come together – so that you don’t lose track here, the [FP]-LIMS is based on three values: simplicity, depth of detail, and maximum user-friendliness. With our LIMS, you benefit not only from a central collection and classification point for all your data but also from an intelligent system that gets the most out of your data. By using our system in your company, all measurement results and other data from many different measurement processes can be easily summarized, compared, and displayed using different measurement methods. So you experience the perfect combination of maximum efficiency, attractive time savings, and sufficient clarity. This makes the [FP]-LIMS your ideal companion in everyday laboratory work.